Burlington County Recycling Update
Due to a shortage of drivers, The County will not be able to pick up your recycling from the curb for the next several weeks. However, you can still do your part and help Moorestown recycle. Please bring your recycling to:
Moorestown Public Works
601 East Third Street, Moorestown, 08057
Open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
(Time Subject To Change Due to Weather)
You will need identification to verify that you are a citizen of Moorestown before you can use this service.
It is a single stream recycling system, so you do not need to keep your recycling separated — however, please be sure to follow the guidelines listed below
Additionally, you can download the free “Recycle Coach” app on your smartphone, or you can go to BurlcoRecycles.com for updates, reminders and more.