Back by popular demand! Due to the COVID-19 restrictions we were not able to hold our usual Spring sale, but since so many have asked us we have reconstituted it this year to be a Fall event instead.
Therefore, our 5th Annual Town-Wide Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, October 10th, 2020!
Here is how it works:
- Sales take place at the comfort of your own home on the day. You set the hours you wish to be open and you select the hours you will be closed.
- Registration will be online soon. Registration is not required, but if you like to be part of our advertising efforts we recommend you do so. There will be a constantly updating map that will show all the locations that will be having a sale on the big day.
- Have fun and make a dollar or two while decluttering.
We ask that you please register so we can advertise all the participating households. We will post an on-line map approximately 1 week before the big day. Happy Selling!!
Please click HERE to register for this event.
Please click HERE for a map of the participating households.